// This file is part of Motion Watch. // Motion Watch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Motion Watch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. #include "common.h" string cleanDir(const string &path) { if (path[path.size() - 1] == '/') { return path.substr(0, path.size() - 1); } else { return path; } } bool createDir(const string &dir) { auto ret = mkdir(dir.c_str(), 0777); if (ret == -1) { return errno == EEXIST; } else { return true; } } bool createDirTree(const string &full_path) { size_t pos = 0; auto ret = true; while (ret == true && pos != string::npos) { pos = full_path.find('/', pos + 1); ret = createDir(full_path.substr(0, pos)); } return ret; } vector lsFilesInDir(const string &path, const string &ext) { vector names; if (exists(path)) { for (auto &entry : directory_iterator(path)) { if (entry.is_regular_file()) { auto name = entry.path().filename().string(); if (ext.empty() || name.ends_with(ext)) { names.push_back(name); } } } } sort(names.begin(), names.end()); return names; } vector lsDirsInDir(const string &path) { vector names; if (exists(path)) { for (auto &entry : directory_iterator(path)) { if (entry.is_directory()) { names.push_back(entry.path().filename().string()); } } } sort(names.begin(), names.end()); return names; } void enforceMaxDays(const string &dirPath, shared_t *share) { auto names = lsDirsInDir(dirPath); while (names.size() > (share->maxDays - 1)) { remove_all(string(cleanDir(dirPath) + "/" + names[0]).c_str()); names.erase(names.begin()); } } void enforceMaxClips(const string &dirPath, shared_t *share) { auto names = lsFilesInDir(dirPath, "." + share->vidExt); while (names.size() > share->maxClips) { // removes the video file extension. auto nameOnly = names[0].substr(0, names[0].size() - (share->vidExt.size() + 1)); auto imgFile = cleanDir(dirPath) + "/" + nameOnly + ".jpg"; auto webFile = cleanDir(dirPath) + "/" + nameOnly + ".html"; remove(cleanDir(dirPath) + "/" + names[0]); if (exists(imgFile)) remove(imgFile); if (exists(webFile)) remove(webFile); names.erase(names.begin()); } } string genTimeStr(const char *fmt) { time_t rawtime; time(&rawtime); auto timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); char ret[50]; strftime(ret, 50, fmt, timeinfo); return string(ret); } string genDstFile(const string &dirOut, const char *fmt, const string &ext) { createDirTree(cleanDir(dirOut)); return cleanDir(dirOut) + string("/") + genTimeStr(fmt) + ext; } void rdLine(const string ¶m, const string &line, string *value) { if (line.rfind(param.c_str(), 0) == 0) { *value = line.substr(param.size()); } } void rdLine(const string ¶m, const string &line, int *value) { if (line.rfind(param.c_str(), 0) == 0) { *value = strtol(line.substr(param.size()).c_str(), NULL, 10); } } bool rdConf(shared_t *share) { ifstream varFile(share->conf.c_str()); if (!varFile.is_open()) { share->retCode = ENOENT; cerr << "err: Failed to open the config file: " << share->conf << " for reading. please check file permissions or if it exists." << endl; } else { string line; share->recordUrl.clear(); share->postCmd.clear(); share->buffDir.clear(); share->recLogPath.clear(); share->detLogPath.clear(); share->recLogFile.close(); share->detLogFile.close(); share->retCode = 0; share->frameGap = 10; share->pixThresh = 150; share->imgThresh = 1024; share->secs = 60; share->maxDays = 15; share->maxClips = 30; share->maxLogSize = 50000; share->camName = path(share->conf.c_str()).filename(); share->webRoot = "/var/www/html"; share->buffDir = "/tmp"; share->vidExt = "mp4"; share->vidCodec = "copy"; share->recLoopWait = false; share->skipCmd = false; share->webBg = "#485564"; share->webTxt = "#dee5ee"; share->webFont = "courier"; do { getline(varFile, line); if (line.rfind("#", 0) != 0) { rdLine("cam_name = ", line, &share->camName); rdLine("recording_stream = ", line, &share->recordUrl); rdLine("web_root = ", line, &share->webRoot); rdLine("web_text = ", line, &share->webTxt); rdLine("web_bg = ", line, &share->webBg); rdLine("web_font = ", line, &share->webFont); rdLine("post_cmd = ", line, &share->postCmd); rdLine("duration = ", line, &share->secs); rdLine("buff_dir = ", line, &share->buffDir); rdLine("frame_gap = ", line, &share->frameGap); rdLine("pix_thresh = ", line, &share->pixThresh); rdLine("img_thresh = ", line, &share->imgThresh); rdLine("max_days = ", line, &share->maxDays); rdLine("max_clips = ", line, &share->maxClips); rdLine("max_log_size = ", line, &share->maxLogSize); rdLine("vid_container = ", line, &share->vidExt); rdLine("vid_codec = ", line, &share->vidCodec); } } while(!line.empty()); share->outDir = cleanDir(share->webRoot) + "/" + share->camName; share->buffDir = cleanDir(share->buffDir) + "/" + share->camName; share->recLogPath = share->outDir + "/rec_log_lines.html"; share->detLogPath = share->outDir + "/det_log_lines.html"; if (share->init) { if (exists(share->buffDir)) { remove_all(share->buffDir); } share->init = false; } createDirTree(cleanDir(share->buffDir)); createDirTree(share->outDir); } varFile.close(); return share->retCode == 0; } string parseForParam(const string &arg, int argc, char** argv, bool argOnly) { for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { auto argInParams = string(argv[i]); if (arg.compare(argInParams) == 0) { if (!argOnly) { // check ahead, make sure i + 1 won't cause out-of-range exception if ((i + 1) <= (argc - 1)) { return string(argv[i + 1]); } } else { return string("true"); } } } return string(); }