// This file is part of Motion Watch. // Motion Watch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Motion Watch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. #include "common.h" QString getParam(const QString &key, const QStringList &args) { // this can be used by command objects to pick out parameters // from a command line that are pointed by a name identifier // example: -i /etc/some_file, this function should pick out // "/etc/some_file" from args if "-i" is passed into key. QString ret; int pos = args.indexOf(QRegularExpression(key, QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption)); if (pos != -1) { // key found. if ((pos + 1) <= (args.size() - 1)) { // check ahead to make sure pos + 1 will not go out // of range. if (!args[pos + 1].startsWith("-")) { // the "-" used throughout this application // indicates an argument so the above 'if' // statement will check to make sure it does // not return another argument as a parameter // in case a back-to-back "-arg -arg" is // present. ret = args[pos + 1]; } } } return ret; } QStringList lsFilesInDir(const QString &path, const QString &ext) { QStringList filters; filters << "*" + ext; QDir dirObj(path); dirObj.setFilter(QDir::Files); dirObj.setNameFilters(filters); dirObj.setSorting(QDir::Name); return dirObj.entryList(); } QStringList lsDirsInDir(const QString &path) { QDir dirObj(path); dirObj.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); dirObj.setSorting(QDir::Name); return dirObj.entryList(); } QStringList listFacingFiles(const QString &path, const QString &ext, const QDateTime &stamp, int secs, char dir) { QStringList ret; for (auto i = 0; i < secs; ++i) { QString filePath; if (dir == '-') filePath = path + "/" + stamp.addSecs(-i).toString(DATETIME_FMT) + ext; if (dir == '+') filePath = path + "/" + stamp.addSecs(i).toString(DATETIME_FMT) + ext; if (QFile::exists(filePath)) { if (dir == '-') ret.insert(0, filePath); if (dir == '+') ret.append(filePath); } } return ret; } QStringList backwardFacingFiles(const QString &path, const QString &ext, const QDateTime &stamp, int secs) { return listFacingFiles(path, ext, stamp, secs, '-'); } QStringList forwardFacingFiles(const QString &path, const QString &ext, const QDateTime &stamp, int secs) { return listFacingFiles(path, ext, stamp, secs, '+'); } void enforceMaxEvents(shared_t *share) { auto names = lsFilesInDir("events", ".mp4"); while (names.size() > share->maxEvents) { auto nameOnly = "events/" + names[0]; nameOnly.remove(".mp4"); auto mp4File = nameOnly + ".mp4"; auto imgFile = nameOnly + ".jpg"; auto webFile = nameOnly + ".html"; QFile::remove(mp4File); QFile::remove(imgFile); QFile::remove(webFile); names.removeFirst(); } } void enforceMaxImages() { auto names = lsFilesInDir("img", ".bmp"); while (names.size() > MAX_IMAGES) { QFile::remove("img/" + names[0]); names.removeFirst(); } } void enforceMaxVids() { auto names = lsFilesInDir("live", ".ts"); while (names.size() > MAX_VIDEOS) { QFile::remove("live/" + names[0]); names.removeFirst(); } } void rdLine(const QString ¶m, const QString &line, QString *value) { if (line.startsWith(param)) { *value = line.mid(param.size()); } } void rdLine(const QString ¶m, const QString &line, int *value) { if (line.startsWith(param)) { *value = line.mid(param.size()).toInt(); } } void touch(const QString &path) { if (!QFile::exists(path)) { QFile file(path); if (file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { file.write(""); } file.close(); } } bool rdConf(const QString &filePath, shared_t *share) { QFile varFile(filePath); if (!varFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { share->retCode = ENOENT; QTextStream(stderr) << "err: config file: " << filePath << " does not exists or lack read permissions." << Qt::endl; } else { share->recordUrl.clear(); share->postCmd.clear(); share->camName.clear(); share->retCode = 0; share->imgThresh = 8000; share->maxEvents = 100; share->maxLogSize = 100000; share->skipCmd = false; share->postSecs = 60; share->evMaxSecs = 30; share->conf = filePath; share->buffPath = "/var/opt/" + QString(APP_BIN) + "/buf"; share->webRoot = "/var/opt/" + QString(APP_BIN) + "/web"; share->webBg = "#485564"; share->webTxt = "#dee5ee"; share->webFont = "courier"; share->outputType = "stderr"; share->compCmd = "magick compare -metric FUZZ " + QString(PREV_IMG) + " " + QString(NEXT_IMG) + " /dev/null"; QString line; do { line = QString::fromUtf8(varFile.readLine()); if (!line.startsWith("#")) { rdLine("cam_name = ", line, &share->camName); rdLine("recording_stream = ", line, &share->recordUrl); rdLine("buffer_path = ", line, &share->buffPath); rdLine("web_root = ", line, &share->webRoot); rdLine("web_text = ", line, &share->webTxt); rdLine("web_bg = ", line, &share->webBg); rdLine("web_font = ", line, &share->webFont); rdLine("max_event_secs = ", line, &share->evMaxSecs); rdLine("post_secs = ", line, &share->postSecs); rdLine("post_cmd = ", line, &share->postCmd); rdLine("img_thresh = ", line, &share->imgThresh); rdLine("max_events = ", line, &share->maxEvents); rdLine("max_log_size = ", line, &share->maxLogSize); rdLine("img_comp_out = ", line, &share->outputType); rdLine("img_comp_cmd = ", line, &share->compCmd); } } while(!line.isEmpty()); if (share->camName.isEmpty()) { share->camName = QFileInfo(share->conf).fileName(); } share->outDir = QDir().cleanPath(share->webRoot) + "/" + share->camName; share->tmpDir = share->buffPath + "/" + share->camName; share->servPath = QString("/var/opt/") + APP_BIN + "/" + APP_BIN + "." + share->camName + ".service"; } return share->retCode == 0; } void rmServices() { auto files = lsFilesInDir(QString("/var/opt/") + APP_BIN, ".service"); for (auto &&serv : files) { QProcess::execute("systemctl", {"stop", serv}); QProcess::execute("systemctl", {"disable", serv}); QFile::remove(QString("/lib/systemd/system/") + serv); QFile::remove(QString("/var/opt/") + APP_BIN + "/" + serv); } QProcess::execute("systemctl", {"daemon-reload"}); } void listServices() { auto files = lsFilesInDir(QString("/var/opt/") + APP_BIN, ".service"); for (auto &&serv : files) { QTextStream(stdout) << serv << ": "; QProcess::execute("systemctl", {"is-active", serv}); } } int loadServices(const QStringList &args) { auto ret = ENOENT; auto path = QDir().cleanPath(getParam("-d", args)); auto files = lsFilesInDir(path); if (!QDir(path).exists()) { QTextStream(stderr) << "err: the supplied directory in -d '" << path << "' does not exists or is not a directory." << Qt::endl; } else if (files.isEmpty()) { QTextStream(stderr) << "err: no config files found in '" << path << "'" << Qt::endl; } else { ret = 0; QTextStream(stdout) << "loading conf files from dir: " << path << Qt::endl; for (auto &&conf : files) { shared_t shared; if (!rdConf(path + "/" + conf, &shared)) { ret = shared.retCode; break; } else { QTextStream(stdout) << conf << " --" << Qt::endl; QFile file(shared.servPath); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Truncate)) { QTextStream(stderr) << "err: failed to open service file: " << shared.servPath << " for writing. reason: " << file.errorString(); ret = EACCES; file.close(); break; } else { file.write("[Unit]\n"); file.write("Description=" + QByteArray(APP_NAME) + " Camera - " + shared.camName.toUtf8() + "\n"); file.write("After=network.target\n\n"); file.write("[Service]\n"); file.write("Type=simple\n"); file.write("User=" + QByteArray(APP_BIN) + "\n"); file.write("Restart=always\n"); file.write("RestartSec=5\n"); file.write("TimeoutStopSec=infinity\n"); file.write("ExecStart=/usr/bin/env " + QByteArray(APP_BIN) + " -c " + shared.conf.toUtf8() + "\n\n"); file.write("[Install]\n"); file.write("WantedBy=multi-user.target"); file.close(); auto servName = QFileInfo(shared.servPath).fileName(); if (!QFile::link(shared.servPath, "/lib/systemd/system/" + servName)) { ret = EACCES; break; } else { if (ret == 0) ret = QProcess::execute("systemctl", {"daemon-reload"}); if (ret == 0) ret = QProcess::execute("systemctl", {"enable", servName}); if (ret == 0) ret = QProcess::execute("systemctl", {"start", servName}); if (ret != 0) { break; } else { QTextStream(stdout) << "Successfully loaded camera service: " << servName << Qt::endl; } } } } } } return ret; } QStringList parseArgs(const QByteArray &data, int maxArgs, int *pos) { QStringList ret; QString arg; auto line = QString::fromUtf8(data); auto inDQuotes = false; auto inSQuotes = false; auto escaped = false; if (pos != nullptr) *pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); ++i) { if (pos != nullptr) *pos += 1; if ((line[i] == '\'') && !inDQuotes && !escaped) { // single quote ' inSQuotes = !inSQuotes; } else if ((line[i] == '\"') && !inSQuotes && !escaped) { // double quote " inDQuotes = !inDQuotes; } else { escaped = false; if (line[i].isSpace() && !inDQuotes && !inSQuotes) { // space if (!arg.isEmpty()) { ret.append(arg); arg.clear(); } } else { if ((line[i] == '\\') && ((i + 1) < line.size())) { if ((line[i + 1] == '\'') || (line[i + 1] == '\"')) { escaped = true; } else { arg.append(line[i]); } } else { arg.append(line[i]); } } } if ((ret.size() >= maxArgs) && (maxArgs != -1)) { break; } } if (!arg.isEmpty() && !inDQuotes && !inSQuotes) { ret.append(arg); } return ret; }