import QtQuick 2.5 import QtMultimedia 6.2 Item { id: root property alias frame_fps: fpsTextVideo.text property alias qml_fps: fpsTextQML.text VideoOutput { anchors.fill: parent objectName: "videoOutput" } Rectangle { id: fps property color textColor: "white" property int textSize: 30 border.width: 1 border.color: "black" width: 5.5 * fps.textSize height: 2.5 * fps.textSize color: "black" opacity: 0.5 radius: 0 // This should ensure that the monitor is on top of all other content z: 999 Text { id: labelText anchors { top: left: parent.left margins: 10 } color: fps.textColor font.pixelSize: 0.6 * fps.textSize text: "Video FPS" width: fps.width - 2*anchors.margins elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { id: labelTextQML anchors { bottom: parent.bottom left: parent.left margins: 10 } color: fps.textColor font.pixelSize: 0.6 * fps.textSize text: "QML FPS" width: fps.width - 2*anchors.margins elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { id: fpsTextVideo anchors { top: right: parent.right margins: 10 } color: fps.textColor font.pixelSize: 0.6 * fps.textSize } Text { id: fpsTextQML anchors { bottom: parent.bottom right: parent.right margins: 10 } color: fps.textColor font.pixelSize: 0.6 * fps.textSize } } }