zii ef90c77e8a v1.0
-first ccommit for stable version of JustVideo
2024-08-06 08:28:43 -04:00

263 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

import os
import re
import subprocess
import shutil
import sys
import platform
def get_app_target(text):
return re.search(r'(APP_TARGET) +(\"(.*?)\")', text).group(3)
def get_app_ver(text):
return re.search(r'(APP_VERSION) +(\"(.*?)\")', text).group(3)
def get_app_name(text):
return re.search(r'(APP_NAME) +(\"(.*?)\")', text).group(3)
def get_qt_path():
return str(subprocess.check_output(["qtpaths", "--binaries-dir"]), 'utf-8').strip()
print("A direct call to 'qtpaths' has failed so automatic retrieval of the QT bin folder is not possible.")
return input("Please enter the QT bin path (leave blank to cancel the build): ")
def get_qt_from_cli():
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == "-qt_dir":
index = sys.argv.index(arg)
return sys.argv[index + 1]
return ""
return ""
def get_ver_header():
current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if current_dir == "":
return "src" + os.sep + "common.h"
return current_dir + os.sep + "src" + os.sep + "common.h"
def get_nearest_subdir(path, sub_name):
dir_list = os.listdir(path)
ret = ""
for entry in dir_list:
if sub_name in entry:
ret = entry
return ret
def cd():
current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if current_dir != "":
def verbose_copy(src, dst):
print("cpy: " + src + " --> " + dst)
if os.path.isdir(src):
if os.path.exists(dst) and os.path.isdir(dst):
# ignore errors thrown by shutil.copytree()
# it's likely not actually failing to copy
# the directory but still throws errors if
# it fails to apply the same file stats as
# the source. this type of error can be
# ignored.
shutil.copytree(src, dst)
elif os.path.exists(src):
shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
print("wrn: " + src + " does not exists. skipping.")
def linux_build_app_dir(app_ver, app_name, app_target, qt_bin):
if not os.path.exists("app_dir/platforms"):
if not os.path.exists("app_dir/xcbglintegrations"):
if not os.path.exists("app_dir/multimedia"):
if not os.path.exists("app_dir/platformthemes"):
if not os.path.exists("app_dir/lib"):
if not os.path.exists("app_dir/icons"):
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../plugins/platforms", "app_dir/platforms")
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../plugins/xcbglintegrations", "app_dir/xcbglintegrations")
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../plugins/multimedia", "app_dir/multimedia")
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../plugins/platformthemes", "app_dir/platformthemes")
verbose_copy("build/" + app_target, "app_dir/" + app_target)
verbose_copy("icons/main.svg", "app_dir/icons/scalable.svg")
img_sizes = [8, 16, 22, 24, 28, 32, 36, 42, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 192, 256, 512]
for i in img_sizes:
subprocess.run(["inkscape", "-w", str(i), "-h", str(i), "icons/main.svg", "-o", "app_dir/icons/" + str(i) + ".png"])
shutil.copyfile("build/" + app_target, "/tmp/" + app_target)
# copying the executable file from the build folder to
# temp bypasses any -noexe retrictions a linux file
# system may have. there is a chance temp is also
# restricted in this way but that kind of config is
# rare. ldd will not run correctly with -noexe
# enabled.
lines = str(subprocess.check_output(["ldd", "/tmp/" + app_target]), 'utf-8').split("\n")
os.remove("/tmp/" + app_target)
for line in lines:
if " => " in line and "libc" not in line:
#if ("libQt" in line) or ("libicu" in line) or ("libGL.so" in line) or ("libpcre16.so" in line) or ("libpcre.so" in line):
if " (0x0" in line:
start_index = line.index("> ") + 2
end_index = line.index(" (0x0")
src_file = line[start_index:end_index]
file_name = os.path.basename(src_file)
verbose_copy(src_file, "app_dir/lib/" + file_name)
if "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/bin" == qt_bin:
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../../libQt6DBus.so.6", "app_dir/lib/libQt6DBus.so.6")
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../../libQt6XcbQpa.so.6", "app_dir/lib/libQt6XcbQpa.so.6")
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../lib/libQt6DBus.so.6", "app_dir/lib/libQt6DBus.so.6")
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../lib/libQt6XcbQpa.so.6", "app_dir/lib/libQt6XcbQpa.so.6")
verbose_copy(qt_bin + "/../lib/libQt6OpenGL.so.6", "app_dir/lib/libQt6OpenGL.so.6")
verbose_copy("templates/linux_run_script.sh", "app_dir/" + app_target + ".sh")
verbose_copy("templates/linux_uninstall.sh", "app_dir/uninstall.sh")
verbose_copy("templates/linux_icon.desktop", "app_dir/" + app_target + ".desktop")
complete(app_ver, app_target)
def complete(app_ver, app_target):
print("Build complete for version: " + app_ver)
print("You can now run the install.py script to install onto this machine or create an installer.")
def get_like_distro():
info = platform.freedesktop_os_release()
ids = [info["ID"]]
if "ID_LIKE" in info:
# ids are space separated and ordered by precedence
return ids
def list_installed_packages():
like_distro = get_like_distro()
if ("ubuntu" in like_distro) or ("debian" in like_distro) or ("linuxmint" in like_distro):
return str(subprocess.check_output(["apt", "list", "--installed"]), 'utf-8')
elif ("fedora" in like_distro) or ("rhel" in like_distro):
return str(subprocess.check_output(["dnf", "list", "installed"]), 'utf-8')
elif ("arch" in like_distro):
return str(subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Q"]), 'utf-8')
print("Warning: unable to determine a package manager for this platform.")
return []
def list_of_words_in_text(list_of_words, text_body):
for word in list_of_words:
if not word in text_body:
return False
return True
def platform_setup():
ins_packages = list_installed_packages()
like_distro = get_like_distro()
dep_pkgs_a = ["pkg-config"]
dep_pkgs_b = ["ffmpeg", "libavcodec-dev", "libavformat-dev", "libavfilter-dev", "libavdevice-dev", "libilmbase-dev", "libvdpau-dev", "libxkbcommon-dev", "libgl-dev", "libxcb-cursor0", "inkscape"]
if not list_of_words_in_text(dep_pkgs_a, ins_packages) or not list_of_words_in_text(dep_pkgs_b, ins_packages):
if ("ubuntu" in like_distro) or ("debian" in like_distro) or ("linuxmint" in like_distro):
subprocess.run(["sudo", "apt", "update", "-y"])
subprocess.run(["sudo", "apt", "install", "-y"] + dep_pkgs_a)
subprocess.run(["sudo", "apt", "install", "-y"] + dep_pkgs_b)
elif ("fedora" in like_distro) or ("rhel" in like_distro):
subprocess.run(["sudo", "dnf", "install", "-y"] + dep_pkgs_a)
subprocess.run(["sudo", "dnf", "install", "-y"] + dep_pkgs_b)
elif ("arch" in like_distro):
subprocess.run(["sudo", "pacman", "-S", "--noconfirm"] + dep_pkgs_a)
subprocess.run(["sudo", "pacman", "-S", "--noconfirm"] + dep_pkgs_b)
def main():
with open(get_ver_header()) as file:
text = file.read()
app_target = get_app_target(text)
app_ver = get_app_ver(text)
app_name = get_app_name(text)
qt_bin = get_qt_from_cli()
if qt_bin == "":
qt_bin = get_qt_path()
if qt_bin != "":
print("app_target = " + app_target)
print("app_version = " + app_ver)
print("app_name = " + app_name)
print("qt_bin = " + qt_bin)
result = subprocess.run([qt_bin + os.sep + "qmake", "-config", "release"])
if result.returncode == 0:
result = subprocess.run(["make"])
if result.returncode == 0:
if os.path.exists("app_dir"):
with open("app_dir" + os.sep + "info.txt", "w") as info_file:
info_file.write(app_target + "\n")
info_file.write(app_ver + "\n")
info_file.write(app_name + "\n")
linux_build_app_dir(app_ver, app_name, app_target, qt_bin)
if __name__ == "__main__":